Losing weight doesn't have to be complicated!

🔸🔸It doesn't matter!!🔸🔸 It doesn't matter where, when and how you workout. It doesn't matter what others are doing. It doesn't matter what you are wearing!

Few years ago, I would rather starve myself to stay slim instead of working out. I would find 100 reasons to keep off physical activity. I am an introvert and socially awkward at that and wouldn't dare to join a gym. So I would just say to myself that I don't have time or energy to workout with all the time spent with my baby girl. 

A year ago, DH gifted me a set of dumbbells for my birthday hoping to get me off of the couch and to stop being irritable all the time. He told me that I can workout at home and don't need to go to gym to start my fitness journey. 
Don't take me wrong, gym is great. All those equipments seem amazing and inspiring to workout. But not a lot of us can afford to spend time to get ready to go to gym and spend time there. 
Anyway, I searched in YouTube for beginners workout videos, researched a little on weight training and have not looked back since. At first, I couldn't use the dumbbells DH got me cos they were heavier than I could handle so I used water bottles instead. 
Everyone has to start somewhere. A lot of us can't afford our time to go to gym and that should not put us off from working out. Getting fit doesn't have to be complicated. Fancy equipments, diet pills, slim shakes/teas, fancy "meals" make "being fit" too complicated. All we need is a little bit of patience, a little time for ourselves, a short term goal and we are good to go! ✨

I recently uploaded 2 workout videos on my channel... do check out!!



To know more about me, Do follow me on my other Blog too :) www.poorniseasycookbook.blogspot.com Instagram https://www.instagram.com/poohegde/ or on Facebook (I hardly use!) at https://www.facebook.com/hegde.chandu Let us be in touch with you on comment section. :)
