20 minutes body transformation!!

‼️Reality check‼️⏬⏬⏬
20 minutes body transformation!! 😉
★Left pic:my body ➡️➡️ Right pic : also my body
★Fully digested ➡️➡️after meal/bloated
★Flexed ➡️➡️relaxed
★Scars edited ➡️➡️ visible stretch marks
★"Perfect" "flat" tummy ➡️➡️ "fat" tummy
★Posted ➡️➡️ (would have) Deleted!

Most of the time, people are consumed by the "perfect body" pics on social media, magazines, ads, movies and all kinds of entertainment industries. It gives a bad message to the youth making them think that their bodies aren't good enough. I myself have been no different.

But, as I've always said, NO ONE is perfect. No one has flat belly all the time. Everyone gets belly rolls when they sit. Everyone gets bloated and everyone's belly looks "full" after a meal. So, never ever compare yourself to the pics on social media.

I love taking pics and posing for pics. I do post the best pics on social media and delete the ones that I think aren't "good enough". But at the end of the day, unless I love my body the way it is, I'm no different than the kind of people I detest.

The left pic is what most of the people consider a "perfect" pic. I admit I was so skeptical about posting the pic on the right but that's not me anymore. I would rather post it to show what reality is, instead of hiding behind the pics that was shot in perfect angle + light. So here it is! 🙃

There are always loads of rejected pics behind one perfect pic and it has nothing to do with the person's body. I'm not perfect and wouldn't try to fool people that I am. Nobody is perfect and that's what makes every one of us uniquely beautiful! 💞💝 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

 #saturdaytruth #realitycheck#loveyourbody #bodytransformation#weekendvibes #truthbetold #beingreal#instagramvsreality #bereal #bodyimage


  1. Awesome Share of your own personal life , very nice put in by you , Great Sharing Madam, God Bless You


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